Apr 26, 2023

The Benefits Of Air Conditioning In Christchurch Workplaces

The Benefits Of Air Conditioning In Christchurch Workplaces

Every workplace in Christchurch must have adequate air conditioning systems in place, as required by New Zealand law. Everybody knows there are benefits to air conditioning in an office work environment, such as increased productivity. However, the air quality that your air conditioning system provides has some critical effects on the health of employees. 

What is Air Conditioning and how does it work?

Commercial air conditioning refers to the cooling and ventilation of large, commercial spaces. This type of air conditioning is used in businesses, office buildings, and other commercial properties to maintain a comfortable, safe, and healthy environment.

Commercial air conditioning systems work by taking in warm air, cooling it, and circulating it through the building. The system begins with an outdoor condenser unit, which uses a refrigerant to draw in warm air from the outside and cool it. The refrigerant is then compressed and circulated through a set of coils to absorb heat from the air. This cooled air is then pushed into the building through a series of ducts and vents. Inside the building, the cooled air is regulated by a thermostat and distributed throughout the space.

How does air quality affect the workplace?

Often the air conditioning system will limit the amount of outside air being brought into the system, instead choosing to recirculate the same cooled air as ventilation. This is due to the outside air being warmer and requiring more energy in order to bring the temperature down to the desired level. However, this leads to the air quality factor being overlooked which can have serious impacts on the function of the human brain.

Impacts of high CO2 levels on brain function 

A team of researchers from the University of Berkeley conducted a decision-making test that mimicked the direction of an organisation in a crisis situation. The test was divided into three sections, each lasting 2.5 hours, with all participants experiencing the same conditions. The only variable was the CO2 concentration. 

It was determined that individuals in high CO2 contamination were not able to think strategically. Therefore, if an increase of CO2 increases individuals' cognitive ability, it could have a positive effect on decision-making in businesses. The ramifications of carbon dioxide are evident. When CO2 concentrations are high, IQ reduces by 25 percent and a 400-ppm increase can lead to a 50% decrease in complex strategic thinking. This investigation clearly suggests that the consequences of CO2 on human thinking must be taken into account.

Signs of CO2 impacting our brain function and productivity in the short term can include feeling tired, drowsy, or having difficulty concentrating after working for several hours in an inadequately ventilated area.

Dust Build up effect respiratory systems

Poor air quality caused by an air conditioning system that is not maintained regularly can cause dust to build up inside an office or workplace. This can be harmful, as too much dust buildup can impact employee respiratory systems. 

According to an CCOHS study “The way the respiratory system responds to inhaled particles depends, to a great extent, on where the particle settles. For example, irritant dust that settles in the nose may lead to rhinitis, an inflammation of the mucous membrane. If the particle attacks the larger air passages, inflammation of the trachea (tracheitis) or the bronchi (bronchitis) may be seen.”

How to Improve Office Air Quality

Regular Maintenance of Air Conditioning Systems

Most air conditioning systems are made up of an indoor and outdoor unit, which is connected by a system of ducts and vents, which transports the cool air into the office. It is important to have the system inspected and serviced regularly in order to ensure that all elements are functioning as they should, and to ensure the air quality is not compromised by dirt, dust and other airborne contaminants.

Carbon Dioxide Sensors

Having a carbon dioxide (CO2) sensor in your office air conditioning system provides key benefits to employee health. CO2 sensors are able to detect and report levels of carbon dioxide in the air. The presence of an excessive amount of carbon dioxide can indicate the presence of inadequate ventilation, which can cause a variety of health issues for workers. 

Such sensors can therefore alert the employees to an unsafe working environment and can help cut the costs associated with treating employees for the ailments caused by high levels of carbon dioxide.

Fresh Air Intake

Despite being less energy efficient than recirculating air to keep the temperatures at the desired level. Fresh air intake can help to improve air quality in the workplace. By bringing in fresh air, you can reduce the levels of dust, pollen, and other airborne pollutants that can cause various health issues. You can also reduce the chances of airborne viruses spreading, such as COVID-19, helping employees stay healthy. 


The benefits of air conditioning in Christchurch workplaces cannot be overstated. Not only do they provide cooling in the hottest months of the year, they also increase employee productivity and reduce the risk of illness. 

Having an effective air conditioning system can not be overstated and it is important to get your system regularly maintained in order to prevent poor air quality in your work environment.

Contact the team at Skilled Aircon to enquire about Air Conditioning for your Christchurch office.

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